About Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity gives low-income families across the globe hope in the form of beautiful affordable housing. From its inception in 1976 founders Millard and Linda Fuller have become the world leaders in tackling the global issue of poverty housing.
Hard work and strong faith paved the way to successfully providing over 4 million people worldwide a new place to call home. Habitat for Humanity has also made tremendous strides to take better care of our environment by building sustainable or
“green” homes for families. The goal was to reduce the monthly costs and provide a healthier living environment. The homes built by Habitat for Humanity can simply be described as simple, decent and affordable.
Providing more than just a roof over a family's heads, Habitat encourages stability for families and paves the way for children to have a better chance at receiving a quality education. Simply put, Habitat for Humanity gives people who otherwise didn’t
have a bright outlook on life a sense of dignity and pride and a healthy place where they can feel safe and secure. Visit Our Website