As the premier internet retailer for Elk Lighting, is able to offer a 3 Business Day Delivery Guarantee for every Elk Lighting product. For a limited time, this special offer is FREE.
If we miss our 3 Business Day Delivery, we pay you $5 for every day after that!
This offer is only valid for shipments to Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, West Virgina, Virginia, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky.
To receive the expedited shipment, choose the 1 Week Delivery Guarantee option on the Quick Delivery Options, before adding the specific products into the cart AND also input 3 Day Delivery into the box titled Please use this area to provide us with any special delivery instructions: during the purchase process. Please contact our Customer Service Department, at 1-866-203-5392 if you have any questions
Click here to go to the home page.
3 Business Day Delivery Details
- Saturday, Sundays, and Holidays are excluded from the 3 business day calculation
- 3 Day Delivery guarantee is calculated based upon a 10:00am PST order cut-off. All orders placed after 10:00am are considered placed the following business day for calculation purposes. For example, an order placed on the 1st of the month at 10:30am would be guaranteed to arrive on the 5th of the month and an order placed at 9:30am on the 1st of the month would be guaranteed to arrive on the 4th of the month. If an order is placed after 10:00am on a Friday or over the weekend, the 3 Business Day Delivery guarantee is calculated from the following Monday. Holidays are not counted as a business day.
- Refund guarantee is capped at the lesser of $25 or 25% of the order amount.